Blues Traveler: Blues Traveler (Colored Vinyl) Vinyl 2LP
1994’s Four was the breakthrough album for New Jersey’s Blues Traveler, as monster singles like “Run-Around” and “Hook” really pushed the band into the mainstream spotlight. However, the harmonica-fronted (s/o John Popper) blues rock/jam band sound closely associated with the BT was well established from the group’s earliest days, as this 1990 self-titled LP attests. Trademark segues and hearty blues riffs, accentuated by Popper’s virtuosic playing, drive tracks like “But Anyway,” “Gina,” “100 Years,” and “Crystal Flame,” and if you’re a fan of the band’s more well known tunes, Blues Traveler is an essential pickup. One last thing – make sure to catch them live to get the full Blues Traveler experience!
- remastered
- paint splatter color vinyl
- Brookvale Records 1990 / 2016