Beautiful Swimmers: Son 2LP
Future Times has been breathing life into the stateside dance music scene for a good part of the past 5 years. The label, headed up by Andrew Field-Pickering (a.k.a. Maxmillion Dunbar), has been dropping incessantly funky tracks that seem to have one ear turned toward the past while their sights are set firmly on the future. Beautiful Swimmers – Field-Pickering’s collaboration with Ari Goldman – have been a big part of this sound, dropping some of the standout 12″s on the label. Two of those cuts are featured on Son; the boogie imbued “Swimmers Groove,” which seems to be born of the best parts of every corny looking record you passed up while digging, and the new wave island jam “Big Coast” that provides a fitting close to the album. In between there’s plenty of good times to be had, whether it’s the sleazy vibes of “Easy On The Eyes,” or the propulsive roller disco of “Cool “Disco” Dan.” The later track references a writer that’s been getting up around the DC area since the last days of disco. It seems the Swimmers don’t want you to forget where they come from, both figuratively and literally. With the ambient “Gettysburg” they provide the ultimate comedown, while giving you a hint as to where so much of their inspiration may have come from. Due to problems with pressing, Son has been long overdue. Now that all that has come to pass, do yourself a favor and get familiar with the Swimmers’ vibe. Recommended.
- music label: Future Times 2013